Katie's Blog-ness

A Sense of the Sacred in the Midst of a Fairytale January 28, 2013

Filed under: FHE Corner — katiesblogness.wordpress.com @ 11:16 pm
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Once upon a time, there was a girl named CinderMommy that loved her family very much. Unfortunately, CinderMommy had two nasty step-sisters named School and Homework. School liked to push CinderMommy around and Homework liked to steal from CinderMommy, her very most important possession, time.  One tired night, CinderMommy escaped from School and Homework and fled the presence of her nasty step-sisters.  Sadly though, CinderMommy got on the wrong coach in the rush of her escape.  She was still determined to make it to the castle and to Prince Charming, but the switch of coaches made her late for the Family Night Ball.  She fretted about what to do.  How could everything turn out OK?  The magic of the Ball would end early.  It always does so the sweet little mice and CinderMommy could all get the sleep they needed to face School and Homework again in the morning – they would all need their strength. (more…)